Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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in spite of the fact that the tire is filled to the cor‐rect inflation pressure.The system is deactivated and is unable to de‐tect flat tires if a wheel not equipped with TPMelectronics has been mounted, e.g., a compactwheel, or if TPM is experiencing temporary in‐terference from other systems or devices thatuse the same frequency.Resetting the systemReset the system after each correction of thetire inflation pressure and after every tire orwheel change.Operating principle, refer to page 62.1. Start the engine, but do not start driving.2. Lightly push button 1 in the turn indicatorlever up or down repeatedly until the appro‐priate symbol appears in the display, ac‐companied by the word "RESET".3.Press button 2 to confirm your choice of theTire Pressure Monitor.The following display appears:4. Press button 2 for approx. 5 seconds untilthe small warning lamp lights up yellow andthe following display appears:5. Drive away.After driving a few minutes, the set inflationpressures in the tires are accepted as thetarget values to be monitored. The systemreset is completed during your drive, andcan be interrupted at any time. When drivingresumes, the reset is continued automati‐cally. The indicator lamp goes out after thesystem reset is completed.Low tire pressure messageThe warning lamps come on in yellowand red. In addition, a signal sounds.▷There is a flat tire or a major loss intire inflation pressure.▷The system was not reset after a wheelchange and thus issues warnings based onthe inflation pressures initialized last.1.Reduce your speed and stop cautiously.Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐vers.2.Check whether the vehicle is fitted with reg‐ular tires or run-flat tires.Run-flat tires , refer to page 160 , are labeledwith a circular symbol containing the lettersRSC marked on the tire sidewall.Seite 78Controls Safety78Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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