Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Ignition onAll electrical consumers can operate. The od‐ometer and trip odometer are displayed in theinstrument cluster.To save battery power when the engine is off,switch off the ignition and any unnecessaryelectronic systems/power consumers.Radio ready state and ignition offAll indicator and warning lamps as well as dis‐plays in the instrument cluster go out.Sport automatic transmissionIn certain situations, transmission position P isengaged automatically. To make it possible forthe vehicle to roll, such as in an automatic carwash, follow the instructions in Car washes, re‐fer to page 182 .Starting the engineEnclosed areasDo not let the engine run in enclosedareas; otherwise, breathing of exhaust fumesmay lead to loss of consciousness and death.The exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, anodorless and colorless but highly toxic gas.◀Unattended vehicleDo not leave the car unattended with theengine running; otherwise, it presents a poten‐tial source of danger.Before leaving the car with the engine running,set the parking brake and place the transmissionin position P or neutral to prevent the car frommoving.◀Frequent starting in quick successionAvoid repeated futile attempts at startingthe car and avoid starting the car frequently inquick succession. Otherwise, the fuel is notburned or is inadequately burned, and there isthe danger of overheating and damaging thecatalytic converter.◀Do not wait for the engine to warm up while thevehicle remains stationary. Start driving rightaway, but at moderate engine speeds.Manual transmissionRemote control in the ignition lock or, with Com‐fort Access, inside the vehicle, refer to page 28.1. Depress the brake pedal.2. Press on the clutch and shift to neutral.3. Press the Start/Stop button.The starter operates automatically for a certaintime, and stops automatically as soon as the en‐gine has started.Sport automatic transmissionRemote control in the ignition lock or, with Com‐fort Access, inside the vehicle, refer to page 28.1. Depress the brake pedal.2.Press the Start/Stop button.The starter operates automatically for a certaintime, and stops automatically as soon as the en‐gine has started.Engine stopTake the remote control with youTake the remote control with you whenleaving the vehicle so that children, for example,cannot start the engine or release the parkingbrake.◀Seite 46Controls Driving46Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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