Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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Canada: if the LED does not flash rapidly af‐ter approx. 60 seconds, change the distanceand repeat the step. If programming wasaborted by the hand-held transmitter, holddown the memory button and press and re‐lease the button on the hand-held transmit‐ter several times for 2 seconds.ControlsPrior to operationBefore operating a unit with the UniversalGarage Door Opener, ensure that there are nopeople, animals, or objects in the range of move‐ment of the system; otherwise, there is a risk ofinjury or damage.Also follow the safety instructions of the hand-held transmitter.◀The system, such as the garage door, can beoperated using the button on the interior rear‐view mirror with the engine running or the igni‐tion switched on. When you are within the re‐ception range of the system, press and hold thebutton until the function is initiated. The LED onthe interior rearview mirror lights up continu‐ously while the radio signal is being transmitted.Deleting stored functionsPress the right and left buttons on the interiorrearview mirror simultaneously for approx.20 seconds until the LED flashes rapidly. Allstored functions are deleted. The functions can‐not be deleted individually.Digital compass1 Adjustment button2 DisplayThe display shows you the main or secondarycompass direction in which you are driving.Operating conceptYou can call up a number of functions by press‐ing the adjustment button with a pointed objectsuch as a ball-point pen. The following adjust‐ment options are displayed one after the other,depending on how long you keep the adjust‐ment button pressed:▷Press briefly: switch the display on/off.▷3 to 6 seconds: set the compass zone.▷6 to 9 seconds: calibrate the compass.▷9 to 12 seconds: set left-hand/right handsteering.▷12 to 15 seconds: set the language.Setting compass zonesSet the compass zone corresponding to yourvehicle's geographic location so that the com‐pass can function correctly; refer to the worldmap with compass zones.Seite 98Controls Interior equipment98Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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