Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Storage compartmentsVehicle equipmentThis chapter describes all series equipment aswell as country-specific and special equipmentoffered for this model series.Therefore, it alsodescribes equipment that may not be found inyour vehicle, for instance due to the selectedspecial equipment or the country version. Thisalso applies to safety-related functions and sys‐tems.Glove compartmentOpeningPull the handle, arrow 1.The light in the glove compartment switches on.Close the glove compartment again im‐mediatelyClose the glove compartment immediately afteruse while driving; otherwise, injury may occurduring accidents.◀ClosingFold up the cover.LockingLock with a key, arrow 2.If you hand out the remote control without theintegrated key, refer to page 20, such as at a ho‐tel, the glove compartment cannot be unlocked.Center armrestStorage compartmentThe center armrest contains either two cu‐pholders, a compartment or the cover for thesnap-in adapter, depending on the equipmentversion.Locking the storage compartmentWhen you lock the vehicle from the outside, thestorage compartment in the center armrest islocked as well.OpeningFold the center armrest up, see arrow.Connection for an external audiodeviceAn external audio device such as a CD orMP3 player can be connected and the audiotracks can be played over the car's loudspeakersystem. Volume and tone can be set on the carradio.▷Professional Radio, refer to page 116 .Seite 103Storage compartments Controls103Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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