Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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From the hands-free system to themobile phoneCalls that are made on the hands-free systemcan in some cases be continued on the mobilephone; this depends on the mobile phone.Follow the instructions on the mobile phone dis‐play; refer also to the mobile phone operatinginstructions.Voice operationGeneral informationDepending on the vehicle equipment, the mo‐bile phone can be operated by means of voiceactivation as described below.The concept▷The mobile phone can be operated withouttaking your hands from the steering wheel.▷In many cases, the entries are accompaniedby announcements or questions.▷›...‹ Verbal instructions for voice operation.Using voice activationActivating the voice activation system1. Press the button on the steeringwheel.2.Say the command.Terminating the voice activationsystemPress the button on the steering wheelor ›Cancel‹.Possible commandsHaving possible commands read aloudPress the button on the steering wheel.›Help‹.Possible commands are announced.The digits from zero to nine are recognized. Thedigits can be spoken separately or combined ina sequence to accelerate the entry.Using alternative commandsThe system often recognizes a number of dif‐ferent commands to run a function; for instance:›Dial name‹ or ›Name‹Example: dialing a phone number1. Press the button on the steeringwheel.2. ›Dial number‹The system says: »Please say the number«.3. For instance, ›123 456 790‹The system says: »123 456 790. Continue?«.4. ›Dial‹The system says: »Dialing number«.CallingDialing a phone number1. ›Dial number‹2.Say the phone number.3.›Dial‹Correcting the phone numberThe sequence of digits can be deleted after thesystem has repeated the digits.›Correct number‹The command can be repeated as often as nec‐essary.Deleting a phone number›Delete‹All digits entered up to that point are deleted.Seite 141Telephone Communication141Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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