Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
the mobile phone is not available or dis‐charged.Press the SOS button to contact the BMWAssist Response Center.TeleServiceGeneral informationTeleService supports communication with yourservice center.▷Data on the vehicle's service requirementscan be sent directly to the service center. Inthis way, the service center can plan its workin advance. This shortens the duration of theservice appointment.▷In the event of a breakdown, data on the ve‐hicle's condition can be sent directly toRoadside Assistance.▷The service varies by country.▷Connection costs may ensue.▷Services may be restricted abroad.Requirements▷The vehicle is equipped with the BMW As‐sist and Bluetooth system.▷BMW Assist is activated.If BMW Assist is not activated, a mobilephone that has been recommended byBMW for TeleService and that is configuredfor mobile data communication must beconnected with the vehicle.▷Wireless reception is available.▷The ignition is switched on.Using TeleServiceThe TeleServices are typically activated in thevehicle.Even if the TeleServices are not active, a voicecontact to Roadside Assistance is still possible.To continue using or to deactivate the services,please contact your service partner or the BMWcustomer hotline.Activating or updatingTeleServices or BMW AssistTo be able to use the services of TeleServicesor BMW Assist, they must be activated.1. Switch on the radio ready state or the igni‐tion.2. Press the button.3. "ASSIST"4. "SET"5. "SETUP"6. "YES"TeleServices and, if necessary, BMW Assistare activated and the data exchange with theservice center can begin. Activation takeseveral minutes. The respective status isshown on the display.Concierge serviceGeneral informationThe BMW Assist Concierge service offers infor‐mation on events, gas stations, and hotels, andprovides phone numbers and addresses. Hotelscan be booked directly by the BMW Assist Con‐cierge service. The Concierge service is part ofthe optional Convenience Plan.Starting the Concierge service1.Switch on the radio ready state or the igni‐tion.2. Press the button.3. "ASSIST"Seite 146Communication ConnectedDrive146Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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