Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
HoodOpening the hoodWorking in the engine compartmentNever attempt to perform any service orrepair operations on your vehicle without thenecessary professional technical training.If you are unfamiliar with the statutory guide‐lines, have any work on the vehicle performedonly by a service center.If this work is not carried out properly, there isthe danger of subsequent damage and relatedsafety hazards.◀To avoid damage, make sure that thewiper arms are resting against the wind‐shield before you open the engine compart‐ment. Do not open the engine hood before theengine has cooled down; otherwise, injuries mayresult.◀1. Pull the lever.2.Push the release lever to the right and openthe hood.Danger of injury when the hood is openThere is a danger of injury from protrudingparts when the hood is open.◀Closing the hoodClose the hood from a height of approx. 16 in/40 cm with momentum. It must be clearly heardto engage.Hood open when drivingIf you see any signs that the hood is notcompletely closed while driving, pull over imme‐diately and close it securely.◀Danger of pinchingMake sure that the closing path of thehood is clear; otherwise, injuries may result.◀Checking the oil levelThe conceptYour car is equipped with an electronic engineoil level check.Requirements▷The engine must be running and warm afterthe vehicle has been driven for at least6.2 miles/10 km.▷The vehicle is stopped or being driven on alevel roadway.Seite 164Mobility Engine compartment164Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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