Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
No spare tire is available in the case of a flat tire.The tools for changing wheels are available asaccessories from your service center.Jacking points for the vehicle jackThe jacking points for the vehicle jack are lo‐cated in the positions shown.Lug bolt lock1 Lug bolt for adapter2 Adapter, in onboard vehicle tool kitRemoving1. Attach adapter 2 to the wheel lug.2.Unscrew lug bolt 1.Remove the adapter after screwing the lug boltback on.Vehicle batteryMaintenanceThe battery is maintenance-free, i.e., the elec‐trolyte will last for the life of the battery.Your service center will be glad to advise you onquestions regarding the battery.Battery replacementUse approved vehicle batteries.Only use vehicle batteries that have beenapproved for your vehicle by the manufacturer;otherwise, the vehicle could be damaged andsystems or functions may not be fully availa‐ble.◀After a battery replacement, have the batteryregistered on the vehicle by your service centerto ensure that all comfort functions are fullyavailable.Charging the batteryNoteDo not connect the charger to the socketDo not connect the battery charger to thesocket installed in the vehicle at the factory asthis could damage the vehicle.◀Starting aid terminalsOnly charge using the starting aid terminals, re‐fer to page 178 , in the engine compartmentwhile the engine is switched off.Power failureAfter a temporary power loss, some equipmentneeds to be reinitialized.Individual settings need to be reprogrammed:▷Seat and mirror memory: store the positionsagain, refer to page 39.▷Time: update, refer to page 64.▷Date: update, refer to page 65.▷Radio station: store again, ProfessionalRadio, refer to page 120 .▷Interior rearview mirror with digital compass:recalibrate, refer to page 98.Seite 174Mobility Replacing components174Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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