Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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Breakdown assistanceVehicle equipmentThis chapter describes all series equipment aswell as country-specific and special equipmentoffered for this model series.Therefore, it alsodescribes equipment that may not be found inyour vehicle, for instance due to the selectedspecial equipment or the country version. Thisalso applies to safety-related functions and sys‐tems.Hazard warning systemThe button for the hazard warning system is lo‐cated on the center console.Emergency RequestRequirements▷Equipment version with full preparationpackage mobile phone.An Emergency Request can be made, evenif no mobile phones are paired with the ve‐hicle.▷BMW Assist is activated.▷Radio ready state is activated.▷The BMW Assist system is logged in to awireless communications network sup‐ported by BMW Assist.▷The Assist system is operable.Only press the SOS button in an emergency.Emergency Request not guaranteedFor technical reasons, the Emergency Re‐quest cannot be guaranteed under unfavorableconditions.◀Service contract▷After your contract with BMW Assist has ex‐pired, the BMW Assist system can be deac‐tivated by the service center without youhaving to visit a workshop.After deactivation, an Emergency Requestis no longer possible.▷Under certain circumstances, the systemcan be reactivated by a service center afteryou sign a new contract.Initiating an Emergency Request1. Briefly press the cover flap to open.2.Press the SOS button until the LED in thebutton lights up.▷The LED lights up: an Emergency Requestwas initiated.If the situation allows, wait in your vehicleuntil the voice connection has been estab‐lished.▷The LED flashes if the connection to theBMW Assist Response Center has been es‐tablished.Seite 176Mobility Breakdown assistance176Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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