Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Contact your service center.◀Manual transmissionGearshift lever in neutral position.7-gear Sport automatic transmissionManually release the transmission lockManually release the transmission lock,even if there is no malfunction involving thetransmission. Otherwise, there is the dangerthat the transmission lock will be engaged au‐tomatically during towing.◀Manually release the transmission lock, refer topage 58.Adhere to the towing speed and distanceDo not exceed a towing speed of 30 mph/50 km/h and a towing distance of 30 miles/50 kmor damage to the transmission can occur.◀Observe during towingObserve the notes on towingObserve all notes on towing or vehicledamage or accidents can occur.◀▷Make sure that the ignition is switched on;otherwise, the low beams, tail lamps, turnsignals, and windshield wipers may be un‐available.▷When the engine is stopped, there is nopower assist. Consequently, more forceneeds to be applied when braking and steer‐ing.▷Larger steering wheel movements are re‐quired.▷Switch on the hazard warning system, de‐pending on local regulations.▷If the electrical system has failed, clearlyidentify the vehicle being towed by placinga sign or a warning triangle in the rear win‐dow.▷Do not tow the vehicle with the rear axletilted, as the front wheels could turn.Towing methodsDo not lift the vehicleDo not lift the vehicle by the tow fitting orbody and chassis parts; otherwise, damage mayresult.◀Tow barThe tow fittings used should be on the sameside on both vehicles.Should it prove impossible to avoid mountingthe tow bar at an offset angle, please observethe following:▷Clearance and maneuvering capability willbe sharply limited during cornering.▷The tow bar will generate lateral forces if itis attached offset.Tow ropeWhen starting to tow the vehicle, make sure thatthe tow rope is taut.To avoid jerking and the associated stresses onthe vehicle components when towing, alwaysuse nylon ropes or nylon straps.Attaching the tow rope correctlyOnly secure the tow rope on the tow fit‐ting; otherwise, damage can occur when it is se‐cured on other parts of the vehicle.◀Tow truckDo not lift the vehicleDo not lift the vehicle by the tow fitting orbody and chassis parts; otherwise, damage mayresult.◀Secure the vehicle against rolling offApply the parking brake after towing andsecure the vehicle against rolling off if neces‐sary.Have the operability of transmission position Pchecked by the service center.◀Seite 180Mobility Breakdown assistance180Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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