Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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1 2 Cause How to respondThe ignition is switched on and driver's dooris open.Switch off the ignition, refer topage 45, or close the driver'sdoor.To drive through automatic car washes, thetransmission can be shifted to N. After approx.30 minutes, the transmission automaticallychanges to P. The indicator lamp lights up justbefore the gear is changed automatically.To keep the transmission intransmission position N, switchon the ignition.For some functions, the indicator lamp lightsup if the desired function cannot be executedat the moment.The parking lamps are still on. Switch off the parking lamps, re‐fer to page 68.The roadside parking lamps are still on Switch off the roadside parkinglamps, refer to page 70.A door is open.The hood is open.Lights up in red:Roof activation system failure. Roof cannot be moved. If the re‐tractable hardtop does not lock,contact your nearest servicecenter.The roof activation system is malfunctioning. Roof movement incomplete.Please check if the roof isblocked, then press or pull theswitch again.The roof is not locked. Open the roof fully and close itagain. Only continue driving aftertaking this measure.Lights up in yellow:High temperature of roof motor. Roof activation temporarily lim‐ited to closing only.Seite 188Mobility Indicator/warning lamps188Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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