Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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1 2 Cause How to respondTire Pressure Monitor not initialized. Check the inflation pressure andreset the system, refer topage 78.The small lamp flashes yellow and then stayson, the large lamp lights up in yellow:Tire Pressure Monitor failed. Punctures arenot indicated.Have the system checked.Disturbance by systems or devices with thesame radio frequency. After leaving the areaof the disturbance, the system automaticallybecomes active again.In vehicles with the Tire Pressure MonitorThe small lamp flashes yellow and then stayson, the large lamp lights up in yellow:Tire Pressure Monitor failed. Punctures arenot indicated.Have the system checked. Ob‐serve the additional information,refer to page 79.A wheel without TPM electronics is mounted.Lights up in yellow: transmission malfunction Have the system checked imme‐diately.When parking the vehicle, set theparking brake since transmissionposition P may be malfunction‐ing as well.Malfunction in transmission position P. It may be possible to correct themalfunction by restarting the en‐gine.The gears that can be selected are restricted. After switching off the engine,transmission position P is en‐gaged automatically. It may notbe possible to continue driving.Transmission limp-home program active withrestricted range of gears, possibly with re‐duced acceleration.You can continue your journey,but moderate your speed and ex‐ercise due caution. Have the sys‐tem checked immediately.Gears can be engaged without depressing thebrake.Always depress the brake to en‐gage a gear.Seite 196Mobility Indicator/warning lamps196Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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