Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Transmission positions– 7-gear automatic transmis‐sion 55– 8-gear automatic transmis‐sion 53Transporting childrensafely 43 Tread depth, tires 160 Tread, tires 160 Trip-distance counter, refer toTrip odometer 60 Triple turn signal activa‐tion 50 Trip odometer 60 Trunk– Comfort Access 29Trunk lid– Comfort Access 29– Emergency unlocking 28– Opening from the inside 27– Opening from the out‐side 27– Remote control 23Turning circle, refer to Dimen‐sions 203 Turn signal– Indicator/warning lamp 14Turn signals 50 Turn signals– Bulb replacement, front 172– Triple turn signal activa‐tion 50UUniform Tire Quality Grading/UTQG 159 Unintentional alarms 31 Units– Average fuel consump‐tion 63– Temperature 63Universal Garage DoorOpener 96 Universal remote control 96 Unlocking– From the inside 27– From the outside 22– Hood 164– Setting the unlocking char‐acteristics 22– Trunk lid 29– Without remote control, referto Comfort Access 28Updates made after the edito‐rial deadline 6 Upholstery care 183 USB audio interface 128 VVacuum cleaner, connecting,refer to Connecting electricaldevices 100 Vehicle– Battery replacement 174– Breaking in 108– Cargo 204– Dimensions, refer to Dimen‐sions 203– Identification number, referto Engine compartment 163– Weight 204Vehicle care 183 Vehicle care, refer toCare 182 Vehicle equipment 6 Vehicle jack 174 Vehicle paint 183 Vehicle storage 185 Vehicle, switching off 46 Vehicle wash 182 Ventilation– Draft-free 91, 95– Refer to Climate control 89Vents, refer to Air vents 89 Voice activation, mobilephone 141 WWarning and indicatorlamps 15 Warning messages, refer toCheck Control 66 Warning triangle 177 Washer/wiper system 51 Washing, vehicle 182 Water on roads 109 Wear indicator in tire 160 Welcome lamps 68 Wheelbase, refer to Dimen‐sions 203 Wheel change 173 Wheels and tires 155 Wheels, changing 161 Wheels, Flat Tire MonitorFTM 75 Width, refer to Dimen‐sions 203 Wind deflector 34 Window, convenient openingand closing 23 Windows, defrosting and de‐fogging– Automatic climate con‐trol 94Windows, defrosting and re‐moving condensation– Air conditioner 91Windows, pinch protection 32 Windshield– Cleaning 51– Defrosting and defogging, airconditioner 91– Defrosting and defogging,automatic climate con‐trol 94Windshield, defrosting, referto Defrosting windows 91 Windshield wash 51 Windshield wash– Filling capacity, reser‐voir 206– Nozzles 52– Washer fluid 52Windshield washer fluid 52 Windshield wiper blades,changing 170 Windshield wiper, refer toWasher/wiper system 51 Seite 217Everything from A to Z Reference217Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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