クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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1. Cycle the ignition to the ON/RUN position.2. Place the hand-held transmitter 1 to 3 in (3 to 8 cm)away from the HomeLinkfi button you wish to pro-gram while keeping the HomeLinkfi indicator light inview.3. Simultaneously press and hold both the HomeLinkfibutton you want to program and the hand-held trans-mitter button.4. Continue to hold both buttons and observe the indi-cator light. The HomeLinkfi indicator will flash slowlyand then rapidly after HomeLinkfi has received thefrequency signal from the hand-held transmitter. Re-lease both buttons after the indicator light changesfrom slow to rapid.5. At the garage door opener motor (in the garage),locate the LEARN or TRAINING button. This canusually be found where the hanging antenna wire isattached to the garage door opener/device motor.Firmly press and release the LEARN or TRAIN-ING button. On some garage door openers/devicesthere may be a light that blinks when the garage dooropener/device is in the LEARN/TRAIN mode.NOTE:You have 30 seconds in which to initiate the nextstep after the LEARN button has been pressed.6. Return to the vehicle and press the programmedHomeLinkfi button twice (holding the button for twoseconds each time). If the garage door opener/deviceactivates, programming is complete.NOTE:If the garage door opener/device does not acti-vate, press the button a third time (for two seconds) tocomplete the training.3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 265
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