クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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The engine block heater cord is routed under the hood onthe driver side of the vehicle. It has a removable cap thatis located on the driver side of the Integrated PowerModule.WARNING!Remember to disconnect the engine block heatercord before driving. Damage to the 110-115 Voltelectrical cord could cause electrocution.AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONCAUTION!Damage to the transmission may occur if the follow-ing precautions are not observed:•Shift into PARK only after the vehicle has come toa complete stop.(Continued)CAUTION!(Continued)•Shift into or out of REVERSE only after the vehiclehas come to a complete stop and the engine is atidle speed.•Do not shift between PARK, REVERSE, NEU-TRAL, or DRIVE when the engine is above idlespeed.•Before shifting into any gear, make sure your footis firmly pressing the brake pedal.NOTE:You must press and hold the brake pedal whileshifting out of PARK.5STARTING AND OPERATING 369
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