クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Key Ignition Park InterlockThis vehicle is equipped with a Key Ignition Park Inter-lock which requires the shift lever to be placed in PARKbefore the key fob can be removed. This system also locksthe shift lever in PARK whenever the ignition switch is inthe LOCK/OFF position.Brake/Transmission Shift Interlock SystemThis vehicle is equipped with a Brake Transmission ShiftInterlock system (BTSI) that holds the shift lever in PARKunless the brakes are applied. To shift the transmissionout of PARK, the ignition switch must be cycled to theON/RUN position (engine running or not) and the brakepedal must be pressed.Eight-Speed Automatic Transmission IfEquippedYour vehicle is equipped with a state of the art, fuelefficient eight-speed transmission. The electronic shiftlever in this vehicle does not slide like a conventionalshifter. Instead, the shift lever is spring loaded and movesforward and rearward, always returning to the centerposition after each gear is selected.The transmission gear (PRND) is displayed both on theshift lever and in the Electronic Vehicle InformationCenter (EVIC).To select a gear range, press the lock button on the shiftlever and move the lever rearward or forward. You mustalso press the brake pedal to shift the transmission out ofPARK (refer to Brake/Transmission Shift Interlock Sys-tem in this section). To shift past multiple gear ranges atonce (such as PARK to DRIVE), move the lever past thefirst (or second) detent. Select the DRIVE range fornormal driving.The electronically-controlled transmission provides aprecise shift schedule. The transmission electronics areself-calibrating; therefore, the first few shifts on a new5STARTING AND OPERATING 371
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