クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Proper towing or lifting equipment is required to preventdamage to your vehicle. Use only tow bars and otherequipment designed for this purpose, following equip-ment manufacturers instructions. Use of safety chains ismandatory. Attach a tow bar or other towing device tomain structural members of the vehicle, not to bumpersor associated brackets. State and local laws regardingvehicles under tow must be observed.If you must use the accessories (wipers, defrosters, etc.)while being towed, the ignition must be in the ON/RUNposition, not the ACC position.If the vehicles key fob is unavailable or the battery isdischarged, see Manual Park Release or Shift LeverOverride in What To Do In Emergencies for instruc-tions on shifting the automatic transmission out of PARKfor towing.CAUTION!•Do not use sling type equipment when towing.Damage to the fascia will occur.•When securing the vehicle to a flatbed truck, do notattach to the front or rear suspension components.Damage to your vehicle may result from impropertowing.•Do not push or tow this vehicle with anothervehicle as damage to the bumper fascia and trans-mission may result.•The manufacturer does not recommend towing thisvehicle using a tow dolly. Vehicle damage mayoccur.Flatbed towing is recommended. DO NOTtow an AWDvehicle with the rear wheels on the ground.6WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES 491
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