クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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If the transmission is operable, vehicles WITHOUTAWDmay be towed (with rear wheels on the ground) underthe following conditions:•The transmission must be in NEUTRAL.•The towing speed must not exceed 30 mph (48 km/h).•The towing distance must not exceed 15 miles (24 km)for 5-speed transmission, or 30 miles (48 km) for8-speed transmission.If the transmission is not operable, or the vehicle must betowed faster than 30 mph (48 km/h) or farther than15 miles (24 km) for 5-speed transmission, or 30 miles(48 km) for 8-speed transmission, tow with the rearwheels OFF the ground (on a flatbed, or with the rearwheels raised using a wheel lift and the transmission inNEUTRAL).CAUTION!Towing this vehicle in violation of the above require-ments can cause severe transmission damage. Dam-age from improper towing is not covered under theNew Vehicle Limited Warranty.Vehicles equipped with AWD can be towed with thetransmission in NEUTRAL and the rear wheels OFF theground with no limitation on speed or distance.492 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES
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