CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 0.92MB]
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1752-1. Driving procedures2When drivingCT200h_U (OM76040U)■Auto power off functionIf the vehicle is left in ACCESSORY or ON mode (the hybrid system is not operat-ing) for more than an hour with the shif t position in P, the "POWER" switch willautomatically turn off. However, this function cannot entirely prevent the 12-voltbattery from discharging. Do not leave the vehicle with the "POWER" switch inACCESSORY or ON mode for long periods of time when the hybrid system is notoperating.■Sounds and vibrations specific to a hybrid vehicle→P. 31■Electronic key battery depletion→P. 68■When the ambient temperature is low, such as during winter driving conditionsIt may take time until the "READY" indicator to come on.■Conditions affecting operation→P. 67■Notes for the entry function→P. 59■If the hybrid system does not startThe immobilizer system may not have been deactivated. ( →P. 115)■When the "POWER" switch indicator flashes in amberThe system may be malfunctioning. Have the vehicle inspected by your Lexusdealer immediately.■If the "READY" indicator does not come onIf the "READY" indicator does not come on when you press the "POWER" switchwith the shift position in P and the brake pedal depressed, contact your Lexusdealer immediately.■If the hybrid system is malfunctioning→P. 598■If the electronic key battery is depleted→P. 556
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