CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 0.92MB]
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1842-1. Driving proceduresCT200h_U (OM76040U)P position switch■When shifting the shift position to PFully stop the vehicle and set theparking brake, and then press theP position switch.When the shift position is changedto P, the switch indicator comes on.Check that the P position is illumi-nated on the shift position indicator.■Shifting the shift position from P to other positions●While depressing the brake pedal firmly, operate the shift lever. If theshift lever is operated without depressing the brake pedal, thebuzzer will sound and the shifting operation will be disabled.●When selecting the shift position, make sure that the shift positionhas been changed to the desired po sition by checking the shift posi-tion indicator provided on the instrument cluster.●The shift position cannot be changed from P to B directly.
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