MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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MINI Convertible, MINI Roadster:lockingLock the glove compartment using theintegrated key of the remote control, refer topage 30.VentilationDepending on the vehicle's equipment, theglove compartment can be ventilated and, ifthe cooling function is switched on, cooled.OpeningTurn the switch in the direction of the arrow.ClosingMove the switch to the vertical position byturning it in the opposite direction of the arrow.USB interface for data transferUpdating the navigation data, refer topage 136 , from the USB medium via the USBinterface in the glove compartment.Observe the following when connecting:▷Do not use force when plugging the con‐nector into the USB interface.▷Do not connect devices such as fans orlamps to the USB interface.▷Do not connect USB hard drives.▷Do not use the USB interface to rechargeexternal devices.Center armrestThe center armrest between the front seatscontains a storage compartment or a cover forthe snap-in adapter, refer to page 202 , de‐pending on the version.OpeningThe lid is mounted on rails and can be fullyopened by sliding it back and lifting.ClosingSlide the lid forward.Storage compartment onthe passenger sideOpeningBriefly press the bottom edge of the coverpanel.ClosingPush back the cover panel to the initial posi‐tion.Seite 119Storage compartmentsControls119Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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