MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Symbol Function Display traffic bulletins. Open the interactive map. Adjust the map views. Adjust the arrow view. Change the scale.Changing the map section "Interactive map"▷To shift the map: move the MINI joystick inthe required direction.▷To shift the map diagonally: move theMINI joystick in the required direction andturn the MINI joystick.Changing the scale1. Select the symbol.2. To change the scale: turn the MINI joystick.Automatically scaled map scaleIn the map view facing north, turn the MINI joy‐stick in any direction until the AUTO is dis‐played for the scale. The entire route betweenthe current location and the destination is dis‐played on the map.Settings for the map viewThe settings are stored for the remote controlcurrently in use.1. "Navigation"2."Map"3.Open "Options".4. "Settings"5. To set the map view:▷"Day/night mode"Select and create the necessary settingsdepending on the light conditions."Traffic conditions/gray map" active:the setting is disregarded.▷"Traffic conditions/gray map"The map is optimized for displayingtraffic bulletins.Symbols for the special destinations areno longer displayed.Arrow viewWhen destination guidance is activated, the ar‐row view can additionally be displayed in themap view on the right side of the display.1. "Navigation"2. Open "Options".3. "Arrow display on map"The arrow view is shown on the map.Traffic bulletinsAt a glance▷Display the traffic bulletins from radio sta‐tions that broadcast the TI Traffic Informa‐tion of a traffic information service. Infor‐mation on traffic obstructions and hazardsis updated continuously.▷The traffic bulletins are indicated on themap by symbols. The symbol in the function bar of the mapview turns red if there are traffic bulletins thataffect the calculated route.Seite 151Destination guidanceNavigation151Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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