MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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The Control Display changes to a black andwhite display. This enables a better view of thetraffic bulletins. The day/night mode is disre‐garded in this setting. Symbols and special des‐tinations are not displayed.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Open "Options".4. "Settings"5. "Traffic conditions/gray map"Symbols in the map viewDepending on the scale of the map and the lo‐cation of the traffic obstruction along the route,the symbols for the traffic obstructions are dis‐played.Additional information in the map viewDepending on the map scale, a traffic obstruc‐tion's length, direction, and impact are dis‐played in the map using triangles or gray barsalong the calculated route.▷Red: traffic congestion.▷Orange: stop-and-go traffic.▷Yellow: heavy traffic.▷Green: clear roads.▷Gray: general traffic bulletins such as roadconstruction.The displayed information depends on the par‐ticular traffic information service.Filtering traffic bulletinsYou can set which traffic bulletins appear onthe map.1."Navigation"2. "Map"3. Open "Options".4. "Traffic Info categories"5. Select the desired category.Traffic bulletins of the selected category aredisplayed on the map.▷Traffic bulletins that are relevant to theroute are always shown.▷For your own safety, traffic bulletins thatnotify you of potentially dangerous situa‐tions cannot be hidden.Destination guidance with trafficbulletinsGeneral informationDetour suggestions from the navigation systemcan be manually accepted when using semi-dy‐namic destination guidance. When using dy‐namic destination guidance, they are automati‐cally accepted for route guidance.Semi-dynamic destination guidanceWhen traffic bulletin reception is switched on,semi-dynamic destination guidance is active.The destination guidance system takes theavailable traffic bulletins into account. A mes‐sage is displayed depending on the route, thetraffic bulletins, and the possible detour routes.If possible, a detour is offered in case of trafficobstructions. In addition, distance and time dif‐ferences between the original route and thedetour are displayed.Accepting the detour "Detour"Seite 153Destination guidanceNavigation153Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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