MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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To remove the cover:1. Press the tab.2. Fold away the cover and take it out of theholder.Proceed in reverse order to attach the cover.Attach the cover carefullyWhen attaching the cover, proceed care‐fully; otherwise, leaks may occur, causing dam‐age to the headlamp system. ◀Replacing the bulb1. Turn the bulb counterclockwise, arrow 1,and remove it, arrow 2.2.Press the release, arrow 1, and pull off theconnector, arrow 2.3. Insert the new bulb and attach the cover inreverse order.Turn signal, parking lamp, roadsideparking lamp, and front fog lampAccess to the bulbs via the wheel housingFollow the general instructions on lamps andbulbs, refer to page 244 .1 Turn signal2 Parking lamp/roadside parking lamp/foglampReplacing the turn signal bulb21-watt bulb, P 21 W, or PY 21 W1. Turn the wheel.2.Remove cover 1.To do this, turn the cover counterclockwise.3.Remove the inside cover. To do this, turnthe cover counterclockwise.Seite 246MobilityReplacing components246Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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