Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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approx. 20 minutes. To listen to the radio, switchit back on.To spare the battery, ensure that the radio isswitched off when you leave the vehicle.Adjusting the volumeTurn the left knob. The setting is stored for theremote control currently in use.When a call is placed using the hands-free sys‐tem, the audio sources are muted.Speed-dependent volume and volumesof PDC signal tone and gong▷"PDC" : volume of the PDC signal tone com‐pared to the audio sources.▷"GONG": volume of the gong compared tothe audio sources.▷"S-VOL": speed-dependent volume con‐trol.Set the audio sources to a high volume to be ableto adjust the volume of the signal tones moreeasily.1. Press the button.2. Select the symbol if necessary.3.Select the desired volume setting.4.Set the desired volume and press the rightknob.Volume of external audio devicesAn external audio device such as an MP3 playercan be connected via the AUX-IN port in thecenter armrest and the audio tracks can beplayed over the car's loudspeaker system.The volume of the external audio device can beadjusted to the car radio.1. Press the button.2. "AUX"3."Vol-AUX"4.Set the desired volume and press the rightknob.Tone settings▷"BASS": depth adjustment.▷"TREBLE": treble adjustment.▷"FADER": front/rear volume distribution.▷"BAL": left/right volume distribution.▷"DOLBY": spatial acoustics effect.▷"EQSET": equalizer setting.Setting the treble, bass, and volumedistribution1. Press the button.2. Highlight the desired tone setting and pressthe right knob.3. Create the desired setting and press theright knob.Switching on the spatial acousticseffect1. Press the button.2. Select the symbol if necessary.3. "DOLBY"Equalizer1. "EQSET"2.Press the button of the desired frequencyrange.3.Create the settings and press the right knob.Resetting the equalizer1. Press the button.2.Turn the right knob.3."EQSET"4. "RESET"Resetting the tone settingsThe tone settings are reset to medium values.1. Press the button.Seite 118Entertainment Professional Radio118Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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