Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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2. "RESET"TimeDisplaying the time Press the button.When the ignition or the radio ready state isswitched off, the time is displayed for severalseconds.Setting the time, date, and time format1. Switch on the radio ready state or the igni‐tion.2. Press the button.3. "CONFIG"4. "TIME"5. Select the desired category.6. Create the settings and press the right knob.Setting the units of measure of thecomputer and the language1. Switch on the radio ready state or the igni‐tion.2. Press the button.3."CONFIG"4.▷"DIST": change the unit of measure forthe range.▷"LANG": select the language of the dis‐play texts.▷"CONSMP" : change the unit of measurefor the average fuel consumption.▷"TEMP" : change the unit of measure forthe external temperature.5. Highlight the desired menu item and pressthe button.6. Create the desired setting.The settings of the units of measure are adoptedfor display on the radio and in the instrumentcluster and are stored in the remote control cur‐rently in use.ComputerThe following vehicle information can be call upvia the computer:▷Average fuel consumption▷Average speed▷Range▷External temperatureDisplaying information1. Switch on the radio ready state or the igni‐tion.2. Press the button.3. "COMP"Average fuel consumptionThe average fuel consumption is calculated forthe time during which the engine is running.To start calculation of the average fuel con‐sumption:1. "CONSMP"2."RESET"The previous display is set to zero and the sys‐tem begins recalculating the average fuel con‐sumption.Average speedThe average speed is calculated for the timeduring which the engine is running.To start calculation of the average speed:1. "SPEED"2. "RESET"Estimated range"RANGE"The display shows the distance that can bedriven on the remaining fuel quantity, taking intoSeite 119Professional Radio Entertainment119Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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