Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Press and hold the function button under thedesired memory location until the station isaudible again after a brief interruption.Retrieving a stored station1. "FM" or"AM"Select the desired function repeatedly untilthe desired waveband is displayed.2.▷"1" ... "12" for FM stations.▷"1" ... "6" for AM stations.▷"A1" ... "A6" for automatically storedstations.Press and hold the desired function buttonor turn the right knob until the desired sta‐tion is displayed.Radio Data System, RDSRDS broadcasts additional information, such asthe station name or text messages, in the FMwaveband. When playing a station with multiplefrequencies, the system automatically switchesto the frequency with the best reception, ifneeded.Some stations broadcast the type of programreceived, or PTY, via RDS. This information isdisplayed briefly when the station is selected, forinstance NEWS.PTY can also be used to display catastrophealerts, such as "ALARM".The alert is issued on the loudspeakers.Switching the RDS on/off1. "SET"2."RDS"When the RDS is switched off, the PTY functionis switched off as well.Switching the program type display on/off1."SET"2."PTY"HD Radio™ receptionMany stations broadcast both analog and digitalsignals. These stations can be received digitallyand therefore with better sound quality. A digitalradio network must be available to be able to re‐ceive digital stations.License conditionsHD Radio™ technology manufactured under li‐cense from iBiquity Digital Corp. U. S. and For‐eign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD and HDRadio logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiq‐uity Digital Corp.Activating/deactivating digital radioreception1. Press the button.2. "TUNER"3. "SET"4. "HD"Displays▷"HD": a station is received digitally.▷"(HD)": a station broadcasts digital signalsbut digital radio reception is switched off.In areas in which the selected station is not con‐tinuously received in digital mode, playbackswitches between analog and digital reception.In this case, switch off digital radio reception.Selecting the programs of a digitalstationSome stations broadcast multiple programs. Toselect one of these programs:1. Press the button repeatedly untilthe desired digital station is displayed. If astation broadcasts multiple programs, thefollowing display appears, for example:"HD1"2. "LIST"Seite 121Professional Radio Entertainment121Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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