Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
3. "HD1" ... "HD8" Select the desired program.Up to eight programs can be selected perstation.Displaying additional informationFor digital stations, additional information canbe displayed on the current track, such as thename of the artist."INFO"Operational displays▷"acquiring" : the system is looking for digitalstations.▷"No Signal" : no digital stations are being re‐ceived.Satellite radioOver 100 different channels with high fidelitycan be received. The channels are offered infixed packages and must be activated.You may experience signal drops and mutingevents related to this new technology.Activating or deactivated channels1. Press the button.2."SAT"3."CAT"4.Select the desired category.The channels are displayed. This symbol identifies the current chan‐nel.Activating1. Turn the right knob to select a channel thatis not yet activated.2. Press the right knob to confirm a channel.A phone number and the electronic serialnumber, ESN, are displayed. The electronicserial number is required for activation.3.To have the channels activated, call thephone number.Deactivating1. Press the button.2."SAT"3. "SAT"Hold the button down.A phone number and the electronic serialnumber, ESN, are displayed. The electronicserial number is required for deactivation.4. To have the channels deactivated, call thephone number.Selecting and storing a channel1. Press the button.2. "SAT"3. "CAT"4. Select the desired category.5. Select the desired channel.To display all channels:"ALL"To store a channel:1. Select the symbol.2."SAT"Press the button repeatedly until the desiredmemory level, SAT 1 or SAT 2, is reached.3."1" ... "6"Press and hold the function button under thedesired memory location until the channel isaudible again after a brief interruption.Changing to the current channel"CURR"Additional informationThe name of the channel and additional infor‐mation on the current track are displayed, suchas the name of the artist.1.Select the desired channel.2."INFO"Seite 122Entertainment Professional Radio122Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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