COOLPIX 900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 2.80MB]
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- 39 -Advanced Settings (M-REC): The Shooting MenuAdvanced Settings (M-REC)This chapter explores the camera settings that can be accessedand used only when the selector dial is set to M-REC. Thesesettings include exposure compensation, metering, digital mo-tor-drive, white-balance, and a variety of digital effects. In M-REC mode one can also set the date and time, choose a lan-guage for the camera's menus and messages, format memorycards, and adjust the brightness of the color LCD monitor.The Shooting MenuChanges to advanced settings can only be made from thecamera's shooting menu. To access the shooting menu, turnthe selector dial to M-REC.If nothing is showing in the color LCD monitor, turn the moni-tor on by pressing the MONITOR button. Press the MENUbutton to display the shooting menu.BK SHOOT I NGEXP.+/-METER I NGCONT I NUOUSLANGUAGESETSHUTTEREIMG ADJUSTWH I T E BA LLCD BRIGHTEXTRA FUNC RCESET ALL CARDFORMATLCD ON/OFFSETSHUTTERONBKDATE03 s AUTO OFFThe shooting menu has two pages. Use the zoom-out (W/ t)and zoom-in (T/s) switches to highlight the desired menu item.Pressing the zoom-out switch when the last item on a page ishighlighted (or pressing the zoom-in switch when the first itemis highlighted) displays the next page of items. To edit a high-lighted item, press the shutter button. Press the MENU buttonto exit the shooting menu, or highlight BK and press theshutter button.The shooting menu contains the following items.EXP. +/- (Exposure Compensation)Greater or lesser amounts of exposure can be selected tocompensate for difficult lighting conditions. Selecting ahigh value brings out backlit objects while "washing out"brightly-lit portions of a photograph, while low valuesresult in darker photographs which bring out details ofbrightly-lit objects. See "Exposure Compensation," below.METERINGMetering method can be chosen from among "matrix,""spot," and "center-weighted." In matrix metering theentire composition is considered when the camera calcu-lates exposure. Center-weighted metering assigns thegreatest weight to the center of the frame, while spotmetering takes into account only lighting conditions at thefocus point. See "Metering Method," below.