COOLPIX 900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 2.80MB]
gizport - 2013-08-18 - 2.80MB
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- 32 -Basic Photography: Using the Flashpeople or animals. The red-eye effect occurswhen light from the flash is reflected from withinthe eye, making the pupils seem to glow red.When the red-eye reduction function is used,the red-eye lamp will be activated whenever theflash is to be fired. Pressing the shutter releasebutton all the way down will activate the red-eyelamp. The main flash will fire approximately onesecond later.Red-eye reduction does not work equally well inall cases. The best results can be achieved whenthe subject is looking directly at the viewfinderand is not at the edge of the flash's range.Anytime FlashIf the flash is set to "Anytime Flash," the flash willbe activated whenever the shutter-releasebutton is fully depressed. Set the flash to "Any-time Flash" to "fill-in" a back-lit subject.Slow synchronizedIn "Slow Synchronized" mode, shutter speed isslowed to a minimum of 1/4 seconds and theflash will activate when there is not enough light.Used in combination with multi-metering (see"Advanced Settings: Metering," below) when thebackground is poorly lit, a flash setting of "SlowSynchronized" makes it possible to capturebackground details that would be underexposedin "Auto" or "Anytime Flash" modes. Becauseshutter speed is slowed, it is recommended thatyou use a tripod to steady the camera.Basic Photography: ReferenceThis chapter describes the most frequently used techniques andcamera settings: flash, focus, and image-quality settings.Using the FlashThe COOLPIX 900 offers a choice of five flash modes : "Auto,""Auto with Red-Eye Reduction," "Slow Synchronized," "Any-time Flash," and "Flash Cancel." An icon showing the currentmode is displayed in the control panel.AutoWhen the flash is set to "Auto," the camera'sinternal auto exposure circuitry will automaticallyactivate the flash if there is not enough light.This setting is the best choice in most circum-stances.Flash CancelWhen set to "Flash Cancel," the flash will not beactivated even in conditions of low light in whichthe flash would normally fire. Set the flash to"Flash Cancel" when you have prepared yourown lighting effects, when you wish to capturenatural lighting under low light conditions, orwhere use of a flash is prohibited. Because"Flash Cancel" uses a slower shutter speed, it isrecommended that you use a tripod to steadythe camera.Auto with Red-Eye ReductionThis setting can be used to minimize the so-called "red-eye effect" when making portraits of