COOLPIX 900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 2.80MB]
gizport - 2013-08-18 - 2.80MB
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79page / 2.80MB
- 46 -Advanced Settings (M-REC): Image AdjustmentImage AdjustmentIn M-REC mode, it is possible to adjust digitally the brightness orcontrast of photographs taken with the camera. Brightnesscan be increased to bring out poorly-lit portions of the compo-sition, or decreased to prevent bright portions of the composi-tion from being "washed out." Unlike exposure compensation,this is a digital effect which increases or decreases the brightnessof all pixels in the image, as opposed to adjusting aperture andshutter speed to increase or decrease exposure. Increasingcontrast increases the difference between light and darkportions of the image, making shadows and outlines moredistinct. Decreasing contrast has the opposite effect. To adjustthe brightness or contrast of subsequent photographs in M-RECmode, highlight IMG ADJUST in the shooting menu and pressthe shutter button. The following menu will appear.TSANDARD BCAST BK IMGADJUST SETSHUTTERRIGHTNESSONTRBRIGHTNESSCASTONTRBrightness can be increased by highlighting BRIGHT-NESS and pressing the shutter button. The icon willappear in the shooting menu to show that this option has beenselected, and the view through the lens as shown in the colormonitor when the selector dial is set to M-REC will be digitallyenhanced to make the image brighter (brightness and contrastsettings have no effect in A-REC mode). Normal brightness canbe restored by selecting STANDARD from the image adjust-ment menu or by turning the selector dial to OFF. To decreasebrightness, select BRIGHTNESS. Contrast can beincreased by selecting CONTRAST, or decreased byselecting CONTRAST. These settings are mutuallyexclusive and are not cumulative. Only one setting will be ineffect at a time; selecting another brightness or contrast settingcancels the previous selection. At settings other than STAN-DARD, the current image adjustment setting is shown in thecolor LCD monitor if it is on and set to display camera settings.To exit the image adjustment menu without changing thebrightness or contrast, highlight BK and press the shutterbutton to return to the shooting menu, or press the MENUbutton to restore the view through the lens.Image adjustment( BRIGHTNESS)