COOLPIX 900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 2.80MB]
gizport - 2013-08-18 - 2.80MB
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79page / 2.80MB
- 60 -Playback: Deleting Multiple Photographs from MemoryDeleting Multiple Photographs from MemoryWhile single photographs can be deleted in playback mode asdescribed at the beginning of this chapter, it is also possible toselect multiple images for simultaneous deletion or to delete allunprotected photographs currently selected for display. Notethat once deleted, photographs cannot be recovered; remem-ber to copy to a computer any images you would like to keepbefore using the options described below (see " Connections" forinformation on backing up the contents of the camera's memoryto a computer).To delete multiple images, highlight DELETE in the playbackmenu and press the shutter button. The following menu will bedisplayed.LBK DELETESETSHUTTERSLECTEDEALTo select multiple photographs for deletion, highlight SE-LECTED and press the shutter button. The window shownbelow will appear.BK DELETEMULT I SEL .SETSHUTTERUsing the zoom switch, highlight a photograph that you wouldlike to delete. Images not currently visible in the window willappear when the zoom switch is used to scroll past the first orlast item in the window. Note however that photographs thathave been hidden with HIDE IMAGE will not be displayedand hence are not available for deletion. Similarly, images markedwith a key icon ( ) are protected and cannot be selected fordeletion. Having highlighted a photograph you would like todelete, press the delete button () or the multiple selectionbutton (). A garbage-can icon ( ) will appear on theselected image, indicating that it has been selected for deletion.Other images can then be selected in the same way. Imagesmarked with the icon can be deselected by highlighting theimage and pressing the or button again.