COOLPIX 900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 2.80MB]
gizport - 2013-08-18 - 2.80MB
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79page / 2.80MB
- 75 -Troubleshooting: Error MessagesError MessagesWhen there is a problem with the flash-memory card or withthe camera's internal programming and circuitry, an error mes-sage will appear superimposed on the image in the color LCDmonitor. Below is a list of error messages that may be dis-played by the COOLPIX 900 and the steps that should betaken to deal with them.The camera can not detect a flash-memory card. Turn the selector dialto OFF and confirm that the flash-memory card has been correctlyinserted in the camera as described in"First Steps: Inserting and RemovingMemory Cards."Use a Nikon compact flash-memorycard.function normally in all other respects,it will not be possible to record orplayback photographs until the cardhas been formatted or replaced.Either there is not enough memoryto record an image or the cardalready contains the maximum of 999photographs. No photographs canbe taken until some images havebeen deleted from memory as de-scribed in "Playback."This error occurs when the cardcontains a photograph with thefilename "9999.JPG." The file"9999.JPG" must be deleted beforemore photographs can be taken. Ifthe error persists, transfer all photo-graphs stored on the card to a com-puter and format the card as de-scribed in "Advanced Settings: For-matting Memory Cards."PRESENTNO CARDNOTCAN BE USEDS CTHI ARDRO MATTEDTEDRAFROMATFONC D IS NOTThe card has not been formatted foruse by the COOLPIX 900. HighlightFORMATTED and press the shut-ter button to format the current card(this will permanently erase any dataon the card), or turn the camera offand replace the card. If NO is se-lected, although the camera willD ICAR S FULL OFOUT MEMORYSAVBE EDGE IMA CANNOT