COOLPIX 900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 2.80MB]
gizport - 2013-08-18 - 2.80MB
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79page / 2.80MB
- 48 -Advanced Settings (M-REC): Extra FunctionsDIGITAL TELE (Digital Telephoto)At this setting, an area in the center of the frame 640 . 480pixels in size is digitally enlarged to a size of 1,280 . 960pixels, filling the entire frame. As is the case with ordinary .2digital zoom, activated by holding down the zoom-in switchwhen the camera is at maximum zoom, images recorded atthis setting will be slightly "grainy." Unlike ordinary digitalzoom, however, at this setting digital zoom remains in effectwhile the camera is zoomed in or out, making it possible toframe photographs using the zoom switch. While this settingis in effect and the selector dial is set to M-REC, the zoomindicator in the color LCD monitor and the green autofocuslamp will blink.Because the viewfinder does not reflect the effects of digitalzoom, it is recommended that you frame photographs in themonitor when digital zoom is in effect. Digital zoom is onlyin effect when the color LCD monitor is on. Turning themonitor off by pressing the MONITOR button returns thecamera to ordinary optical zoom mode. Digital zoom will berestored when the monitor is turned on once more.FISHEYEWhen this option is selected, the combination of camerasettings most appropriate for using the fish-eye lens adapter(sold separately) is put into effect: zoom is set to the widestpossible angle, focus is set to "Infinity" () the flash is setto "Flash Cancel," and center-weighted metering is used.These settings cannot be changed while this option is ineffect and the selector dial is set to M-REC, during whichtime a icon will be shown in the color LCD monitor.WIDEADAPTERWhen this option is selected, camera settings are set to thevalues most appropriate for using the wide-angle lens adapter(sold separately): zoom is set to the widest possible angleand the flash is set to "Flash Cancel." These settings cannotbe changed while this option is in effect and the selector dialis set to M-REC, during which time a icon will be shownin the color LCD monitor.